Key correspondence noted in text above:
Dear Dr Fox
I write in order to express my deep concern about the housing target being imposed on North Somerset by Government. As you are aware North Somerset Council is currently developing its Local Plan and is required by Government to accommodate 20,475 new homes over a 15 year period. Broadly this is equivalent to building two new Clevedons.
I am supportive of the Government’s aim to increase housebuilding and am happy that North Somerset takes its fair share. However a 20% increase in homes is far more than a fair share. This problem is acerbated by the preponderance of green belt, areas at risk of flooding, and an Area of Outstanding National Beauty. Without a significant reduction in housing numbers it is highly likely that this target of 20,475 new homes will result in the destruction of green belt.
I am aware of your opposition to building in the Green Belt as well as the work you have done to reduce the housing numbers. However, the fact remains that they remain too high. I urge you to put further pressure on your colleagues to have this number reduced. Without this reduction I fear that North Somerset Council will, by following national legislation, have to release green belt land for development.
As this is a concern to many of residents I would be grateful if you could clarify your position and what you intend to do to reduce the housing allocation. Working together I am sure we can prevent the vandalism of the green belt.
Yours faithfully
Ashley Cartman
North Somerset Councillor for Long Aston Ward
Thank you for your email about proposed house building in Failand. I hope that you have also written to the Planning Department at NSC. They alone have the authority to grant or refuse planning permission at this stage of the process.
North Somerset already has enough permissions granted to meet any projected demand in housing numbers. We do not need any more.
As you may know, I have argued in Parliament (and it appears successfully) to have the housing targets for North Somerset reduced. However, it is the job of the District Council to determine which specific planning applications should be accepted and which should not. Since the new Independent/LibDem Council has been in office, there have been increasing numbers of plans to build on Green Belt which I completely oppose. I hope that individual councillors will join me in this before we lose many of our precious green spaces. They may be an inexperienced Council, but they have a duty to put the interests of those they represent first and not play politics with such an important issue.
In the Adjournment Debate which I secured on the subject in the House of Commons last November I raised concerns not only about the protection of the Green Belt, but also the danger of building on flood plains and the lack of available infrastructure to cope with large increases in housing numbers. I enclose the link below to the debate for your convenience.
Please make your objections known to North Somerset Council on this issue. Only by doing this can we stop these unwanted proposals from coming to fruition.
Dear Dr Fox
Green Belt release: A plea to work together on this important issue
Thank you for replying to my email last week. I have to admit to being disappointed with your reply and the subsequent posting on your website. It is misleading, condescending, and unnecessarily partisan on an issue of great importance to many residents.
On your website you state; “North Somerset already has enough permissions granted to meet any projected demand in housing numbers. We do not need any more” and you encourage people to “make your objections known to North Somerset Council on this issue. Only by doing this can we stop these unwanted proposals from coming to fruition”.
This is disingenuous.
There is no acknowledgement that the choices being faced by North Somerset Council are a direct consequence of decisions of the Government. If, as you state, there are already enough permissions granted to meeting future demand, then the question must surely be why then is your government forcing North Somerset to build more?
I am happy to accept and acknowledge (which I have publicly on a number occasions) that you have argued successfully to reduce the housing numbers the government is imposing on North Somerset. I, and many residents, are appreciative of this. I am also happy to accept that North Somerset Council will ultimately make the decision as to where to allocate the developments. However, with such maddeningly high numbers it is hard to see how this can be done which is immune to subsequent legal challenge by developers. We are expected to accommodate a 20% increase, equivalent to two Clevedons. You have reduced the numbers but they remain far too high, the green belt remains at risk.
You often refer to an adjournment debate you organised as evidence of your commitment to the Green Belt. I have listened to the debate and agree with all your substantive points. However, that debate increasingly looks like a battle you won in a larger war thar you seem to have given up fighting.
I would urge you not to play political games with this issue and to join me and many residents in criticising this unrealistic and fanciful housing number. I am fighting a battle at North Somerset Council to preserve the green belt, will you reassure us that you continue to do the same in Parliament?
Yours sincerely
Cllr Ashley Cartman
North Somerset Councillor for Long Ashton Ward
Published and promoted by Martin Dunton for Ashley Cartman (Liberal Democrats) all at 1 Vincent Square, SW1 2PN.