I have received a number of emails raising a range of points and concerns. In response I have put together answers to a number of frequently asked questions. I hope you find these useful. if there is anything missing please let me know and I will update accordingly/
As I write at the end of June commnets are still being gathered and residents queries answered.
A complete list of concerns, change requests, and comments is being compiled by Council officers in advance of a meeting where they will all be reviewed and decisions made. This meeting is scheduled for early July and I will attend as your representative.
A revised scheme will then be produced and a Traffic Regulation Order issued. This is the formal consulation and notification of this will be posted publicly around Leigh Woods. Following the results of this consulation final changes, if necessary, will be made to the scheme.
Assuming everything proceeds according to plan residents will then receive details of how to apply for a parking permit in advance of the necessary work being undertaken. The scheme is expected to 'go live' during October.
Many of you will have noticed that the current proposal includes 152 long stay spaces, 33 short term spaces, and 55 residents spaces.
I believe there has been a misunderstanding as to how these spaces can be used. The main point is that residents with a permit are allowed to park wherever they like without any time restriction. Similarly, short term visitors are able to park in the 'long stay' spaces for £1 an hour.
The intention behind this scheme is not that 152 spaces are reserved for commuters. Indeed the aim is that the daily charge will be set to ensure that there is always space for residents and short term visitors.
Having said all that I am concerned that the balance is tilted too far toward long stay and I would like to see it tilted back slighly to short stay and residents parking.
In short the answer is no. My understanding of this issue, having discussed it with Council staff, is as follows;
When introducing parking restrictions local councils have a statutory obligation to consider the needs of all road users. In our case this means residents, visitors to the woods/church etc, and long stay visitors (commuters).
In assessing relative needs and potential restrictions the amount of available space is important. This is why you can see diffierent solutions applied to the same problem, eg the pressure on Clifton is such that there is little or no provision for long term parking.
I have a lot of sympathy with this view. A number of residents have commented to me that the introduction of yellow lines late last year seems to have solved the problem. If this is the case why introduce a residents parking scheme?
If we could guarantee that traffic would remain at current levels then this would be a sensible choice. However, my worry is that people will return to commuting later in the year and there is some evidence to suggest people are nervous about using public transport and may well prefer to use their cars.
The more important point is that if we decide not to proceed then Leigh Woods will go to the back of the queue should there be a change of heart. I have fought hard to make sure that we are considered first for a residents parking scheme and, having seen what is being proposed here in Leigh Woods, many other parts of North Somerset are asking for their own schemes.
If traffic levels are lower than expected then many of the other concerns expressed by residents (such as too many commuters, insuffcuient residents parking etc) will not arise.
Original proposals included a £4 daily charge. This was raised following initial feedback to £5. However, I do remain concerned about the level of the charge.
Although the charge may seem low, for a commuter parking regularly it represents a cost of over £100 a month, or in the region of £1200 per year. I beileve this represents a significant incentive to change behaviour.
If the charge is too low and does not control commuter parking then I have been reassured by Council officers that it can be changed quickly.
I was disappointed to see that clause 5.viii. of the draft terms and conditions says that:
'There is a limit of two permits per household, with eligibility reduced to one permit for properties with off-street parking'.
My understanfing is that garages do not count as off-street parking. My view is that this restriction needs to be removed and all households should be able to apply for 2 permits.
Many of you have commented that the restrictions are not needed to 9pm each day. Many have suggested that this be reduced to 5pm or 6pm each day.
The reason it was set at 9pm was to discourage evening vistors to Clifton using Leigh Woods as a free car park.
I will ensure that this is discussed again with Council staff.
Every council in the UK is prohibited from making a profit from parking charges. All parking revenues are ringfenced and can only be spent on parking related services.
I am absolutely determined that charges are set to manage the level of demand for parking, NOT to maximise council revenue.
I am your representative at the Council. Although I can promise that everyones comments are considered seriously I cannot promise that amendments or changes you ask for will be made. Many changes have been made already in response to suggestions by residents.
I am doing my best to ensure that together we implement a scheme that works for as many people as possible, and minismises any inconvienance caused.
If you remain unhappy then you are free to write to Liam Fox. However, it is worth noting that he has no control or influence over the plans. Any query directed to his office will either receive a reply noting this, or will be forwarded to me (or North Somerset Council) for a reply.
I hope this helps clarify matters.
If you want to keep up to date on local issues in and around Long Ashton, Failand, Wraxall, and Leigh Woods then please sign up to my newsletter. If comes out (roughly) monthly and is a summary of all the articles I post on this website and social media.
Published and promoted by Martin Dunton for Ashley Cartman (Liberal Democrats) all at 1 Vincent Square, SW1 2PN.